sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009

rock'n roll


9 comentários:

stilettolover91 disse...

I love ur shorts!!!!


P.S: You should comment back on my blog a little more ;) I've commenting on all ur recent posts ;)

Sophia disse...

i LOVE lookbook, it's basically a daily read for me. i especially like the second and third looks :)

Nicole Bernardes disse...

Obrigada amore!
Tenho sorte que minha mamis tem o memso corpo que eu, roubo tudo dela hehe
Amei as t-shirts!

Arushi Khosla disse...

Wow,that is a LOT of beautiful clothes. I love the white top, the second graphic white one, the incredible photography of the 3rd ones,and the blonde flower child-esque hair in the last 2.
Lovely! XO
ps- adding you to my links list ;)

Katia disse...

Great inspiration! :)

Anônimo disse...

thank you for your comment! you have great style and a great blog!

amanda disse...

love the black jeans shorts!

College of Lifemanship disse...

The Minnesota look when advocated by girl always en-fuels the epic hotness in them!

I don't know why but I like find it rather attractive women just keep it simple with a shirt and tights !

College of Lifemanship disse...

The Minnesota look when advocated by girl always en-fuels the epic hotness in them!

I don't know why but I like find it rather attractive women just keep it simple with a shirt and tights !